Cynodon dactylon poaceae
English: Bahama Grass
Sanskrit/Indian: Durva
Russian: Свинорой пальчатый

General information:
According to Indian Medicinal Plants—An Illustrated Dictionary by C.P. Khare, Dhub Grass is used as a remedy for inflamed tumors, cuts, wounds, bleeding piles, cystitis, nephritis, scabies and other skin diseases. It has astringent, diuretic, antidiarrheal, anticatarrhal, styptic and antiseptic properties.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the dried fibrous root of the grass to stop excessive menstrual bleeding and for alleviating burning during urination.
Dhub Grass contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and carbohydrate, which combine to render the herb its therapeutic properties.
- Dhub Grass is helpful in healing wounds and cuts.
- It is used to treat gynecological disorders.